How Do You Fearlessly Follow Your Intuition & Trust Your Authority?

A very common question I get from clients is how do you follow your strategy and authority when it feels like the opposite of everything you’ve ever been taught to do?

We are so conditioned from a young age to act in a certain way to get results. For example hustle and work hard and you will succeed, you can rest when you’re dead, you have to go out there and make it happen, don’t take no for an answer.. and the list goes on and on!

When you find out your Human Design strategy and authority it’ll often be the complete opposite of everything you thought that you should do to create the life you want.

The concept of following your strategy and authority is actually very simple, but in practice it’s quite challenging! And so it really does take time and practice as you’ll literally having to reprogram the way you make decisions and move through life. It really is a lifestyle shift! Your mind will struggle and will want to take over, but you have to learn to trust your body’s wisdom. Your mind will always try to keep you safe, to talk you out of a decision, to make a logical decision. However, the right decision is not always the logical one.

The key is building your trust muscle. Once you’ve followed your intuition once, you will have more confidence to do it a second time. The trick is to start practising with the small things, build up trust in yourself, and then move on to larger things. Yes it can be incredibly scary but as my favourite saying goes, “everything you want is on the other side of fear”

What are your tips for fearlessly following your intuition?

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