What is going to happen in 2027 according to Human Design?

Human Design preaches about the ‘new paradigm’ which is set to take place in 2027, but what exactly does this mean and what can we expect for our future?

Ra Uru Hu, the Human Design founder, prophesised that on the 15th February 2027, we will officially enter a new era. In technical Human Design terms, this means that we will be shifting gears and moving into the energy of The Cross of The Sleeping Phoenix and The Cross of Penetration, and away from The Cross of Planning and The Cross of Maya, which have ‘governed’ us from 1615 and will continue to right up until 2026. The new energetic themes of The Cross of The Sleeping Phoenix and The Cross of Penetration will carry us through to the year 2438!

So what do these new energies mean for us? In simple terms, it means that the world is evolving dramatically as we enter the new paradigm (2027-2438). On an overarching level, we will see a HUGE shift in consciousness across the planet, which we are already witnessing seep through today, as we prepare to enter the new era. For example, just in my lifetime so far, the shift in consciousness I have witnessed has been massive. Think about the way that we have collectively opened our minds, the receptiveness that we have to metaphysical concepts, the way that we are more heart-centred and embrace diversity. Look at our purchase decisions and how we have become more conscious around the products we buy, where we are spending our money, our eating behaviour and the consciousness we have around the food we are consuming. Look at the rise in consciousness around how we are looking after the Earth, the animals and our bodies. Then of course there’s the political and cultural movements we have seen take place in recent years, and the list goes on.. So in the last 100 years alone, we cannot deny that the world has transformed drastically.

To me personally, the key theme of the new paradigm is all about taking our power back. It’s all about awakening to the fact that we are powerful beings beyond measure, and until now, much of this knowledge has been kept behind a veil. The new era is about learning to govern ourselves, vs heavily relying on other people to make our decisions for us (people who may or may not not have our best interests at heart). It’s about tapping into our intuition and knowing that we have all the guidance we will ever need already inside of us, and learning to lead ourselves from this place. It’s about shifting from ‘me’ consciousness into ‘we’ consciousness, and understanding and ‘knowing’ that we are actually all one. Ultimately, it’s about living from a place of abundance, personal power and sovereignty, but for the highest good of all. Often we have negative associations with these three words, so it’s important to understand that these things are not negative in this new era that we are walking into, so long as they benefit the collective and come from a place of heart-centred consciousness. It’s also important to remember that with our new found freedom, free will and power, this will mean that we will need to take radical responsibility for ourselves. There will be nowhere to hide.

We will also see time speed up and this means that our manifestations will come to fruition much more quickly. I am sure many of you have already noticed the shift in time running much more quickly than it used to as we move into a higher frequency. We will also see a massive rise in technology and AI (this one is obvious), but the question is going to be, how do we use it? Technology and AI is not inherently good or bad, it’s actually neutral, but how do we choose to leverage and program these new resources?

Interestingly, so many souls chose to incarnate on Earth at this time whilst Earth goes through this shift. It’s such a pivotal moment in Earth’s history and so many of us wanted to not only witness this moment, but also play a part in birthing this new age. It’s even said that from 2027 we will start to see more highly evolved beings incarnate on to planet Earth and these children will be called ‘rave children’. These will be very special beings with additional energy centres in their chart.

Despite all of this, we can’t ignore that there’s a lot of fear spoken around the new paradigm of 2027 in the Human Design community. I think it’s important to remember that with a new age, means a releasing of the past. We will need let the old perish so that we can welcome in the new, and this may be uncomfortable. The shift into the new age may not be seamless - we will likely see old institutions fall apart and traditional constructs of government crumble, which is actually essential so that we can operate from our new level of awareness and from a place of sovereignty. We will need to hold on to the future vision whilst moving through the transformation.

You may be wondering how Human Design can help you to navigate this change. One of the most valuable benefits of knowing your Human Design is that you can understand how to be your own authority and how to make decisions for yourself, which is the foundation of the new paradigm. Your body holds all of the wisdom if you just listen to it. This type of intuition is going to be essential moving into 2027 and beyond.

So, is anything likely to dramatically transform when we wake up on 15th February 2027, probably not. However, I believe it will be the start of a new age, where we gradually see an unbelievable shift in consciousness and the way that the world operates, which is incredibly exciting! Unfortunately I doubt we will live long enough to see this new age in it’s FULL glory… well maybe if we decide to incarnate on Earth again in our next lifetime :)

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