Five Books That Changed My Life

As today is World Book Day, I thought I’d share five books that have been pivotal for me on my spiritual journey (in no particular order):

1. ‘Conversations with God’ by Neale Donald Walsch

I found this book extremely moving. If you’re looking for a book that helps to answer some of your core questions about God and the universe, then this book is for you.

2. ‘The Power of Kabbalah’ by Yehuda Berg

When I opened this book, I could not put it down, something in it just spoke to me on such a deep level. I could just feel the truth spilling out of it. This book is such a powerful reminder that we have the power to choose the reality we live in and that it’s time to take back our power!

3. ‘Spirit Hacking’ by Shaman Durek

This book is incredibly powerful. When the time is right for you to know and understand the duality of this world, this book will find you. Shaman Durek is able to explain a complex topic in a really easy-to-understand way.

4. ‘Bringers of the Dawn’ by Barbara Marciniak

For anyone who identifies as a starseed, this book is for you. It speaks to your soul and enables you to remember who you really are!

5. ‘The Power of Vulnerability’ by Brene Brown

This was one of the first personal development books I ever read and it blew my mind. After many years of believing that vulnerability was a weakness, it completed changed my perspective, and helped me to step into my authenticity.

There are many many more books that I have read and loved, but for me these are the standout ones, the ones that I still remember years later. If anyone has any recommendations, I would love to hear them so I can add them to my reading list!


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