Why your biggest wound = your biggest opportunity

In Human Design, the energy of your Conscious Sun gate is the key vibration or theme that you need to master in this lifetime. It is intertwined with your life purpose.

Each gate has a light and a shadow side. The light side is the energy that you need to master and embody as your ultimate goal and the shadow side is likely to be one of the biggest wounds that you carry.

For example, my Conscious Sun Gate is gate 48 which is officially called The Gate of Depth which is all about gaining knowledge and wisdom and understanding the depths of the world, and then sharing this wisdom with the world. However, the shadow side of this energy is fear of inadequacy - so not feeling like you know enough, or aren’t wise enough to be sharing what you know. This absolutely rings true for me and this is where my imposter syndrome lies!

However, when you have the courage to work through the shadow side of this energy and and rid yourself of these limiting beliefs and behaviours, the transformation on the other side is huge! So this is where your biggest wound becomes your biggest opportunity!

By embodying the light side of the Conscious Sun gate you will fully step into who you came on this planet to be - your full, worthy, authentic self - which will ultimately lead you in the direction of all the things you desire!

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