Art & Human Design

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Why it is so important to follow your passion

Everyone has desires, and believe it or not, your desires are actually there for a reason! Your desires and passions are ‘breadcrumbs’ to follow that are signalling you on to the right path, which will lead you in the direction of your purpose!

In Human Design, the philosophy is that are we all built with innate passions and gifts and that we are all completely unique, in that people have a vast range of different desires and wants out of life. We are not designed to all want the same thing!

According to Human Design, if everyone followed their desires and the things in life that really lit them up, then we would have a much better functioning society, where everybody is naturally doing a job, or following a career path, that truly fulfils them. The universe wants you to live your best life, it wants you to have all the things that you desire! One of my favourite quotes is from The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho which is ‘when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”.

The universe has a way of operating in which if everyone was playing their true role here on Earth, then things would be a lot more harmonious, which would in turn raise the vibration of the planet. But somewhere along the line, this natural way of functioning has been disrupted… This is because, in general, people have a hard time following their true passion because society tells us that success looks a very specific way, and that there’s a very specific path to follow in order to get there. So what happens? People don’t listen to their intuition and they follow society’s ‘instruction manual’ which is imprinted during childhood.

It is so important to dissolve the conditioning and rid the programming that we are taught along our journeys, which tells us that we can’t have what we want. For example, maybe you were told that you shouldn’t become an artist because you’ll never make money, and that you should do a ‘proper’ job.. well I certainly was! The first step starts with ‘awareness’ and really digging deep into these beliefs that have embedded themselves in our minds, unpacking where they have come from. Then, we need to get out of our own way!

On a Human Design chart, we all have what is called an ‘Incarnation Cross’. The Incarnation Cross shows us the key themes in our lives that we will experience when we are living out our fullest expression. It is likely that these themes won’t be evident early on, but as you embark on the deconditioning process, and step into your full authenticity, these themes will start to reveal themselves as part of your true life purpose.

So, if you have always been drawn to something, then explore it, do not ignore the niggle inside! It is totally fine if you don’t know where it’ll lead, because you’re not meant to know how everything will pan out. The most important thing is that you answer the calling and take that first step and then bit by bit, the staircase will reveal itself….Trust the process!

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