Personality vs. design in Human Design: What’s the difference?

Ever wondered what the two sides of the Human Design chart mean? On the left side of the chart is the ‘Design’ side, and on the right side of the chart is the ‘Personality’ side, but what does this mean?

  1. Personality Chart:

    • The Personality Chart is often referred to as the "Conscious" side of your Human Design. It is derived from the positions of the planets at the exact moment of your birth, similar to astrology.

    • This chart represents the traits, characteristics, and tendencies that you are aware of. It describes the conscious aspects of your personality, including your conscious strengths, weaknesses, and decision-making process.

    • The Personality Chart is depicted as a colorful mandala, with each gate or center corresponding to specific personality traits and attributes.

    • By understanding your Personality Chart, you can gain insights into your conscious thought patterns and how you interact with the world on a day-to-day basis.

  2. Design Chart:

    • The Design Chart, on the other hand, represents the "Unconscious" side of your Human Design. It is based on the positions of the planets approximately three months before your birth.

    • This chart reveals your deeper, subconscious traits and inclinations. It represents the innate energies and potential you possess but may not be fully aware of.

    • The Design Chart is portrayed as a series of interconnected shapes and lines, forming a unique BodyGraph. These shapes and lines indicate energy channels and centers, each with its own significance.

    • By delving into your Design Chart, you can uncover your life's purpose, unique talents, and areas where you may encounter resistance or challenges.

Achieving a harmonious balance between your Personality and Design Charts can lead to a more authentic and fulfilling life. Here's how you can achieve this integration:

  1. Self-awareness: Begin by thoroughly understanding both your Personality and Design Charts. Recognize the traits and tendencies associated with each.

  2. Experimentation: Experiment with living in alignment with your Design Chart. This may involve making choices that resonate with your unconscious self, even if they differ from your conscious preferences.

  3. Trust your strategy: Human Design provides each individual with a specific "strategy" for decision-making based on their type. Trusting and following this strategy can help you navigate life's challenges more effectively.

In the realm of self-discovery and personal growth, Human Design offers a unique approach that distinguishes between the conscious and unconscious aspects of our being. By examining both the Personality and Design Charts, individuals can gain valuable insights into their true selves, their life's purpose, and how to lead a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Click here to get your FREE Human Design chart

If you need help decoding your chart, book a reading or order your personalised report here


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