How to use Human Design when you feel stuck in a rut

You know that feeling when things aren’t flowing or aligning in your life, you feel like your trudging through mud to get to where you want to go and you’re just about to give up hope...

Well Human Design can come in reallyyyy handy when trying to navigate yourself out of a rut!

Here’s how...

In Human Design, one of the most important aspects to practice is your Strategy. This will have a HUGE impact in switching you from rut to flow state! Here are some tips for each energy type...

Generators & Manifesting Generators

Do a tally of all the things you are saying ‘yes’ to when you really mean ‘no.’ Are you feeling frustrated because you are doing too many things that aren’t satifisfying you? Make sure you are waiting to respond to things that come into your field vs. impatiently pushing for things to happen more quickly!


Take note of where you are feeling bitter because you are trying to share your advice, wisdom and talents with the world but they are not being as well received as you’d hoped. Where are you imparting your knowledge on people without first being given an ‘invitation’?


Take stock of what is fuelling anger inside of you right now. Remind yourself that in those situations it is essential that you inform people of your actions and intentions before pushing forwards and watch how life starts to become more peaceful.


Take a look at where you have made rushed decisions that you haven’t fully thought through and have left you feeling disappointed. Make the time and space to honour your unique decision-making process and find trusted friends and family to help talk things through.

Practising your Strategy is such a simple tool to help navigate you out of a rut, yet in practice it can be tricky to follow given the level of conditioning that we have been subject to. It’s something that takes some time and discipline BUT it’s well worth it once you start seeing the changes in your life unfold!

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