Art & Human Design

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Does Human Design Hold the Secret to Getting Everything You Want In Life?

I truly believe that Human Design holds the secret to getting everything you want in life. The key lies within the fundamental objective of Human Design, which is to gain awareness of your unique soul’s blueprint so that you can operate in the world from a place of true authenticity.

Using your birth date, time and place, Human Design is a tool that allows you to uncover the unique blueprint that your soul designed for you before you incarnated on to this planet. Every aspect of your design was meticulously planned to allow you to live the life that you intended. Human Design is a mechanic, it tells you how you’re meant to operate in the world in order to live a life of fulfilment. It is a tool to help you reach your fullest potential here on Earth. Human Design shows you how you can most optimally make decisions by tapping into your innate wisdom and how you can therefore move through the world with the most ease and flow.

When you start to operate from a place of authenticity and according to your unique design, your life will quickly start to shift and align in accordance with the path of your soul. You will start to notice that life feels right again, like things are on track, like you’re flowing downstream and meeting less resistance.

However you may be asking, “if it were that simple, why are more people not living utterly fulfilling and ecstatically joyful lives?”. To me, it all comes down to one question - do you have the courage to be your authentic self in a world that relentlessly tries to mould you into something that you’re not?

Whilst the concept of your Human Design strategy and authority is very simple, having the courage to follow it is far from it. It often takes a LOT of work to undo old patterning and to rewire limiting beliefs. Becoming your fully authentic self is not for the faint hearted. You will often come up against many limiting beliefs, for example, a crippling fear of judgement and how you will be perceived if you act from a place of authenticity, or a constant voice in your head telling you that you’re not worthy enough of having what you want. The path to owning who you are is often a life long journey. However, in my eyes, it is the only journey worth pursuing.

If you’re curious about your unique Human Design, you can download your FREE Human Design chart here. If you need help decoding your chart (because believe me, Human Design is not the easiest modality to understand), you can book a personalised reading or order a personalised digital report here.