Attention Generators & Mani-Gens: what to do when you’re feeling frustrated!

In Human Design, each energy type has what is called a ‘not-self’ theme. The not-self is a helpful tell tale indicator that you have veered off track and are out of alignment with your soul’s path. For Generators and Manifesting Generators, that indicator is feeling frustrated (and for Mani-Gens, it can also be Anger too!).

So, what do you do when the not-self starts creeping in? Firstly, don’t panic, the not-self is not something to be feared! Try to welcome the frustration, as it’s trying to tell you something. There are often two key things to look at when feeling frustrated:

1) Have you been honouring your authority (sacral or emotional)? Where have you potentially been saying yes to things when you really mean no? Finding the energy to do things that are not lighting you up and are not a ‘hell yes’ is draining you, causing frustration. People pleasing tendencies and trouble setting strong boundaries can be common in Generators and Mani-Gens, but once mastered, you will often find WAY more energy, alignment and flow in your life.

2) You have been trying to force things vs letting things flow. Generators and Man Gens have a strategy of ‘wait to respond’ meaning everything that is meant for them will come to them. Often Gens and Man Gens will get impatient and try and force things to happen, which will feel like you are trudging through mud to get your goal accomplished. The best thing to do is to surrender and let go, or save it for later, until things start flowing in the way that they are meant to ✨

So all in all, next time you feel that feeling of frustration consume you, take a step back and identify where you need to course-correct!

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